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Billets pour la catégorie Joyce, James :

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Le 9 mars

Pour continuer la collection des coïncidences de dates en cours de lecture.
The delegation, present in full force, consisted of Commendatore Bacibaci Beninobenone (the semiparalysed doyen of the party who had to be assisted to his seat by the aid of a powerful steam crane), Monsieur Pierrepaul Petitepatant, the Grandjoker Vladinmire Pokethankertscheff1, the Archjoker Leopold Rudolph von Schwanzenbad-Hodenthaler, Countess Marha Viraga Kisaszony Putrapesthi, Hiram Y. Bomboost, Count Athanatos Karamelopulos, Ali Baba Backsheesh Rahat Lokum Effendi, Senor Hidalgo Caballero Don Pecadillo y Palabras y Paternoster de la Malora de la Malaria, Hokopoko Harakiri, Hi Hung Chang, Olaf Kobberkeddelsen, Mynheer Trik van Trumps, Pan Poleaxe Paddyrisky, Goosepond Prhklstr Kratchinabritchisitch, Borus Hupinkoff, Herr Hurhausdirektorpresident Hans Chuechli-Steuerli, National-gymnasium-museum-sanatorium-and-suspensoriums-ordinary-privat-docent-general-history-specialprofessordoctor Kriegfried Ueberallgemein2. All the delegates without exception expressed themselves in the strongest possible heterogeneous terms concerning the nameless barbarity which they had been called upon to witness. An animated altercation (in which all took part) ensued among the F. O. T. E. I.3 as to whether the eighth or the ninth of March was the correct date of the birth of Ireland's patron saint.

James Joyce, Ulysses, chapter 12 "The Cyclops", p.397-398, Penguin annotated student's edition, 1992
Je ne traduis pas les noms mais la dernière phrase:
Tous les délégués sans exception s'exprimèrent dans les termes hétérogènes les plus vifs à propos de la barbarie sans nom au sujet de laquelle ils avaient été appelés à témoigner. Une altercation animée (à laquelle tous prirent part) s'ensuivit parmi les ADLIDE4 quant à savoir si c'était le huit ou le neuf mars qui était la date exacte de l'anniversaire du saint patron de l'Irlande.

1 : Le Grand Plaisantin Vladinmire Mouchouare de Pauche (traduction personnelle, pour le plaisir.)
2 : Professeur Guerretpaix Partoutengénéral (Pour des raisons de mise en page j'ai découpé le titre du docteur à l'aide de tirets, mais il se présente d'un bloc dans le livre.)
3 : Friends of the Emerald Island
4 : Amis de l'Île d'Emeraude, on l'a vu la page précédente.

mercredi 2 mars 2011

Magique !

Two fellows that would suck whisky off a sore leg.

James Joyce, Ulysses, p.228, Penguin student's edition - 1992

Le mystère des huîtres

All the odd things people pick up for food. Out of shells, periwinkles with a pin, off trees, snails out of the ground the French eat, out of the sea with bait on a hook. Silly fish learn nothing in a thousand years. If you didn't know risky putting anything into your mouth. Poisonous berries. Johnny Magories. Roundness you think good. Gaudy colour warns you off. One fellow told another and so on. Try it on the dog first. Led on by the smell or the look. Tempting fruit. Ice cones. Cream. Instinct. Orangegroves for instance. Need artificial irrigation. Bleibtreustrasse. Yes but what about oysters? Unsightly like a clot of phlegm. Filthy shells. Devil to open them too. Who found them out?

James Joyce, Ulysses, p.222, Penguin student's edition 1992

Manières de table

Well up : it splashed yellow near his boot. A diner, knife and fork upright, elbows on table, ready for a second helping stared towards the foodlift across his stained square of newspaper. Other chap telling him something with his mouthfull. Sympathetic listener. Table talk. I munched hum un thu Unchster Bunk un Munchday. Ha? Did you, faith?
Mr Bloom raised two fingers doubtfully to his lips. His eyes said.
— Not here. Don't see him.
Out. I hate dirty eaters.

James Joyce, Ulysses, p.216, Penguin student's edition, 1992

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